Thursday, 3 September 2015

What's the Big Issue?

Another one of my scribblings...

What's the Big Issue?

Awakening from his sleep he stretches,
Dressed in designer jeans and
Adidas trainers
he's once again ready for the day ahead.
And when he reaches his workplace
he sits,
and waits.

He watches them pass by,
his coevals,
once his equals.
Gorging on fast food and confectionary goods.
They cast him a glance,
a guilty look.
Some spare him change,
those that don't he spits upon,
there but for the grace of God...
He sees faces he recognises
and they stare,
trying to place thus familiar stranger.
It unnerves them
and that makes him smile.

When the shoppers dissipate
he returns to his doorway,
his cardboard home.
Sips his medicine from a bourbon bottle
and dreams in colour.
He sees his daughter's face
which illuminates his life.
Hears cries of
"Daddy's  home!"
He glances at his wife,
overtired and over patient.
Visions of prosperity dance before his eyes.
Saville suits and Chelsea boots.
Signs of success
not blessedness.

When the sun rises he opens his eyes
and faces reality
painted in black and white.

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