Thursday, 1 November 2012


Okay so here goes, my first blog. Scary stuff this opening myself up to criticism and goodness knows what else! I am currently studying a creative writing course with the OU and don't write nearly enough so here's an outlet for all my rubbish that will never make it to the essay stage.
A quick post first of all, test the waters...
Why catarolysis & cow biscuits? Well these are two of the things that get me through my day to day life full of stressful or downright ridiculous moments. Catarolysis - letting of steam by cursing (made up? I don't care to be perfectly honest!) Cow Biscuits - self explanatory surely? These two alone (well maybe a vino or JD occasionally) seem to get me through the day.
Lets see what happens from here...possibly nothing at all, now wouldn't that be just typical?

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